StudioMatch - Part 4
StudioMatch - Part 4 - Final step of the StudioMatch process - SpyderPro only
You now have calibrated all monitors using the StudioMatch process. The SpyderProof tool will offer a final check now.
If you are matching / aligning monitors that are physically different, the SpyderTune will allow you to do final adjustments. You can switch between SpyderProof and SpyderTune, if needed, as often as you want.
SpyderProof will allow you now to verify the StudioMatch calibration
The SpyderProof window will be displayed on all monitors that have been part of the StudioMatch calibration process.
Change View
- Now that your displays have been successfully calibrated, you can have a deeper look into the result and switch between the Un-calibrated and the Calibrated view of your display. While this difference can be huge on some displays, you may only have a slight difference on other displays.
- You can change between the Calibrated and the Un-calibrated view using the switch at location 1.
- This disables the active calibration and resets the video card to its un-calibrated state.
NOTE: The calibrated view might seem unnatural to you as your eyes are used to the un-calibrated screen. Give yourself a few minutes to adapt to the calibrated state.
Standard Sample Image & Zoom
- You can zoom into the Standard Set of images inside SpyderProof. Each of these images is optimized to compare each singularity of the calibration individually (gray scales, saturated colors, skin tones, etc.).
- To zoom, mouse over the images and the pointer will change to a zoom icon. Click the images you wish to increase in size, first in sets of 4 images, then zoomed into a single image. Once you fully zoomed in, click the image again to return to the overview.
Custom Image
- To insert a custom file (TIFF or JPEG), you have several options:
- Click on the "Open Custom" button.
- Select the option "Custom" to access the open file dialog.
- Drag and drop your images from the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) window directly into the SpyderProof area inside the SpyderPro application.
Full Screen
- Click the "Full Screen" button to use SpyderProof in fullscreen mode. You can press the space bar to change between the Calibrated and the Un-calibrated view.
- Press any key or click the mouse to leave full screen mode.
Dark Mode
- A new feature in SpyderPro software is the ability to view the standard set of images in dark mode, using a black background instead of neutral gray. This mode applies to the windowed and full screen view.
- Click the switch to activate and deactivate dark mode.
Access SpyderTune
- Click this box to access the SpyderTune menu.
Continue to Results…
- Click this box to continue to the final results.
SpyderTune will allow you to fine tune and remove the metamerism failure now
Only use SpyderTune if absolutely necessary!
- It will change the display calibration of your SpyderPro and is intended to be a compromise to match screens whose technological differences make it difficult to achieve an alignment.- When done properly, a StudioMatch calibration will match multiple displays.
- If you are using multiple displays and they work with different backlight technologies and different panels, it can be complicated to match them together. That's where the SpyderTune function of SpyderPro software comes in.
- One reason for using SpyderTune can be the Metamerism Failure:
Our eyes can't adapt to multiple light sources if they have a different spectral distributions as the receptors in our eyes absorb light at various wavelengths. Even though the SpyderPro or any other sensor will measure both as having the same value. This is also known as the "metamerism failure".- Which display should be adjusted?
We recommend you to use your better display as primary one and only change the secondary display's calibration with SpyderTune to match their view. -
Change View
- You can change between the Calibrated and the Un-calibrated view by clicking the switch.
- Change the following aspects of the current calibration:
- White Point from Cool to Warm
- Tint from Magenta to Green.
- Gamma Intensity (default is 50)
- Brightness from 50% to 100% (default is 100%).
Tune Control – Slider
- To make adjustments using the sliders:
- Click and hold the circle on the slider
- Click on the slider on either side of the circle to move +/- 10
- To return to default setting, double click anywhere on the slider to reset.
Tune Control – Text Entry
- Use the text entry boxes to enter in a custom value.
- To return to default setting, double click anywhere on the slider to reset.
- Click the "Reset" button to reset the sliders to the original state of the SpyderPro calibration.
Save Adjustments
- Click the "Save" button to save your calibration with the new SpyderTune adjustments.
Access SpyderProof
- Click this box to access the SpyderProof menu again.
Continue to Results…
Profile Overview in the step 8. Results
As a last step, you can review the profile SpyderPro created for your displays, compare your profiles with standard color gamuts (color spaces) and generate a report with a detailed summary.
For details on this menu have a look that the 8. Results support article.
Here you can go back to support article StudioMatch - Part 3.
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Please submit a support request (ticket) here.