StudioMatch - Part 1
StudioMatch - Part 1 - SpyderPro only
StudioMatch is designed to allow you to match / align monitors that are connected to one computer as well as monitors that are connected to different computers to get a consistent color reproduction over all of your displays.
Please calibrate all your monitors once, before starting to match / align your monitor using StudioMatch.
Start StudioMatch from 2. Workflow in the SpyderPro software and you will be at this point:
Choose if displays are attached to one or different computers
- "Match displays attached just to this computer" takes you through a set of operations where you'll find which of your displays, at its maximum brightness for the target white point, has the lowest brightness of those that you select. You'll then calibrate and adjust the other display(s) down to lower brightness's to match it. (The brighter displays can be made dimmer; but the dimmest display can't be made any brighter).
- "Match displays attached to this computer and other computers" extends this technique to additional computers. You'll save a "StudioMatch target" that's shareable between SpyderPro Ultra & SpyderPro Elite running on multiple computers. They can then all be calibrated and adjusted so that collectively, all of the displays, on all computers, will match the dimmest, wherever it may be.
Select displays for matching
- If you have multiple displays connected to your machine, please ensure to choose the one you want to calibrate inside this StudioMatch process.
- The application window will automatically change to the display you activate.
First you will measure the maximum brightness of each monitor
Measure maximum brightness of all monitors
- Place the sensor into the marked position on the display and set the display to it's maximum brightness level.
- Click "Measure" to start the measurement.
- The StudioMatch function will take you from one monitor to the next until the maximum brightness level of all monitors you have selected to mach is measured.
Finish the max brightness measurement on each display
- Click the "Finish" button after each display is measured.
Measure the room light level
- Place your SpyderPro sensor as shown on screen. Make sure no direct light is failing onto the display and onto the SpyderPro sensor.
- Click "Next" to execute the room light measurement.
- This will bring you to the next step in the StudioMatch process
(to support article StudioMatch - Part 2)
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